[Verse 1].
AmI guess it’s Dfunnier from where you’re Gstanding
Am‘Cause from Dover here I’ve missed the Gjoke
AmCleared the Dway for my crash Glanding
I’ve done it agaAmin, another Dnumber for your Gnotes
[Verse 2].
AmI’d be Dsmiling if I wasn’t so Gdesperate
AmI’d be Dpatient if I had the Gtime
AmI could Dstop and answer all of yourG questions
As soon as I fAmind out,
how I could Dmove from the back of the Gline
So I’ll be yourG clown
Behind the Emglass
Go ‘head and Amlaugh ‘cause it’s Cfunny
I would Dtoo, if I saw me
I’ll be your Gclown
On your favorite Emchannel
My life’s a Amcircus-circus, Crounding circles
I’m Dselling out tonight
[Verse 3].
AmI’d be less aDngry if it was my Gdecision
AmAnd the Dmoney was just rolling in G,
AmIf I had Dmore than my ambition G,
I’ll have time to Amplease,
I’ll have time to Dthank you as soon as I win G.
So I’ll be yourG clown
Behind the Emglass
Go ‘head and Amlaugh ‘cause it’s Cfunny
I would Dtoo, if I saw me
I’ll be your Gclown
On your favorite Emchannel
My life’s a Amcircus-circus, Crounding circles
I’m Dselling out tonight
So I’ll be yourG clown
Behind the Emglass
Go ‘head and Amlaugh ‘cause it’s Cfunny
I would Dtoo, if I saw me
I’ll be your Gclown
On your favorite Emchannel
My life’s a Amcircus-circus, Crounding circles
I’m Dselling out tonight