
Play that thang!

More of a man

She liEkes to go huntin’ with her buddies
She once killed a deer with just a stB7ick
She likes old smoky bars and rotgut whiskey
And ‘pull my finger’s’ still her favorite trEick
She like Hormel chili on her ice cream, ewww
With a jalepeno pepper on the side
She once fried bacon with her shirt off
Chopped up and onion and didn’t even cry


She’s moEre of a man than I’ll ever be
She’s done things most men can’t belB7ieve
She chews tobacco, swallows the juice
Her real names Sheila but they call her Moose
She’s more of a man than I’ll evEer be

She likes her old job down at the factory
Even though she lost an arm in ‘83
She spent a little time in Folsom prison
And Johnny Cash is tattooed on her knee
She’s never road a bull that’s ever thrown her
Hell, she rode one all the way thru Tennessee
She’s never met a man who’s ever owned her
Although I think she’s got the hots for me


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