GOh it seems to me this whole woDrld’s gone crEmazy
there’s tCoo much hate and killin’ going oDn
but wGhen I see the Dbare chest of a woEmman
my woCrries and my problems are aDll gone
Cnoone thinks of fighting when they Dsee a topless girl
Emmaybe if you would show yours too, Cwe could save the wDorld
Show them to mGe, Show Dthem to mEme
Cunclasp your bra and set those puppies frDee
they’d look a whGole lot better without that swDeater,
baEmby i’m sure you’ll agree
baby youC‘ve got two funbagsD
show them to mGe
GI don’t care if they don’t Dmatch or oEmne’s bigger than the other
Cyou can show me one, Dand I’ll imagine the other
Geven if you’re really oDld
Emthere’s nothing wrong
Cdon’t be sad, your boobs ain’t bad,
they’re jDust a little long
show them to meG, show Dthem to mEme
lift Cup your shirt, and let the whole worDld see
Gadjust this robe, show your gloDbes,
and a Emhappy man i’ll be
if yCou’ve got dos chichis D
show them to meG
Ci’ve met a lot of them, but nevDer one i’ve hated
Ceven if you’ve had 13 kids and you thDink they look deflated
there’s nCo such thing as a bad breast, i belieDve this much is true
Cif you’re a big fat man, i’m a tittie fan,
and i’d D love to see yours too
show them to me G, show tDhem to meEm
just liCke the girls gone wild on TDV
Gjust lean back and show your Drack, and iEm‘ll be in extacy
Cif you got two cosabas D
show them to meGcome on baby let me see
Call the world will live in harmonyDit’ll do you good, and it’ll give mDe wood
Emwe’ll make history
Cif you love your country
i’m gonna say it one more time
I said if yCou love your cDountry
then stand your ass up and show them big old titties to me